Thursday, July 17, 2014

Review: Touch of Power by Maria V. Snyder

I recently finished this book and once again found that Maria V. Snyder did an excellent job of making complicated plots that were very well illustrated. I have read one of her books before, and loved the different worlds she created.
Touch of Power is about a group of magicians called healers who can take illnesses and injuries from others onto themselves and can heal faster than anyone else. Avry is the last healer alive, after a plague ravaged the fifteen realms the kings needed healers, but that is the one thing the healers can not cure. They are hunted and accused of creating the plague. After healing a dying girl, she is captured and sentenced to death. She is  then broken out of prison to heal the one person she hates more than anyone else.
The dynamics between the characters is very well written and the villains are startlingly realistic to rulers in today's era. This book was awesome and I will have to read the rest of the series. Special shoutout to Karlie who recommended this series to me. The other series written by Maria V. Snyder is called, Poison Study. I recommend both of these series to anyone who enjoys magic and adventure.

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